St. Nicholas Ladies Philoptochos Society
Chapter #2055
"Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do"
James 2:18
Our Mission
To promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach; to preserve the sanctity of life and family; and to perpetuate and promote our Orthodox faith and traditions. Derived from the Greek word meaning "Friend of the Poor", Philoptochos has provided help to those in need for over 90 years. Chapters across America, including the Ladies of St. Nicholas Philoptochos, continue to aid the poor, the orphaned, the ill, the hungry, and victims of disasters - nationally and locally in our communities.
It is now the time to Invite you to offer your talents to our mission. It is now the time to Embrace your ideas of compassion for our fellow man. It is now the time to Involve yourself by offering your talents and ideas for the betterment of our community.
Come join us!
As we continue with hope, faith and renewed enthusiasm toward our mission to minister to the underprivileged, we want to invite women of all ages to join the St. Nicholas Philoptochos Society. Being a member of Philoptochos means being a part of something greater than yourself, it means making the world a better place. It is our tradition of philanthropy, our living and practicing Orthodox faith, which enables and encourages us to serve with compassion, dignity and respect.
Thank you for your continuous support of St. Nicholas Philoptochos throughout the year by supporting our events and ministries
Philoptochos offers two ways to donate
Please consider the following:
$21.00 of each pledge is used to fulfill yearly commitments to the National & Metropolis Philoptochos
The balance of your pledge supports our local chapter of St. Nicholas Philoptochos
For example… If you pledge $25, only $4 supports our St. Nicholas chapter. From a $50 pledge, $29 supports our chapter
St. Nicholas Philoptochos Officers
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Christina Ginos
Dianne Zotos
Maria Kamburis
Jenny Pappas
Helen Carey
Deb Palazzola
Betsy Murphy
Carol Kamburis
St. Nicholas Philoptochos Board Members
Christina Anastas
Carol Efthim
Teresa Ferguson
Marilynn Jemas
Patricia Lekich
Jackie Tsikalas
Mary Ellen Anastas
Georgia Ferretti
Lisa James
Sandra Kamburis
Jeanne Tompras