St. Nicholas Men's Fellowship
"I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting."
1 Timothy 2:8
The St. Nicholas Men’s Fellowship welcomes men of all ages who want to explore their faith, build community and better understand what it means to be a Christian man, made in the image of God. All men are welcome to our weekly gatherings, as well as to larger events that bring together as many men as possible to enjoy each other’s company and raise funds for the parish and for FOCUS Gateway City.
The Fellowship meets every Wednesday from 7 - 8 am at the Family Life Center. The only exceptions are the day before Thanksgiving, the Wednesday after Christmas and Holy Week.
Meetings are also live-streamed on Zoom.
Bagels and coffee are served.
There is no attendance commitment; men come when available.
All men are welcome.
Large dinner events – Steak & Stogie Night in the spring; Barbecue & Beer in the fall – typically take place twice a year on weekday evenings and are more informal and social.
The most recent large event – a special Lamb Shank Dinner – raised $8,500 to support FOCUS in its service to help people in need.
Members have also served meals to those in need at the FOCUS Center and helped in the parish in many other capacities.
For More Information
Contact Fr. Michael Arbanas or send a message.